Friday, April 07, 2006

"Jesus Loves Porn Stars"

The L.A. Times and other outlets are reporting that a Bible publisher has refused to print's "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" logo on 10,000 Bibles the ministry has paid for. The Bibles were intended to be given out to adult film festival antendees.

Pastors Mike Foster and Craig Gross say they typically give away 1,000 copies of the New Testament at each weekend festival they attend.

The American Bible Society rejected the pastors request to print the words on the cover of the 10,000 copies they had already printed. Barbara Bernstengel, the executive in charge of standards at the nonprofit Bible publishing company, wrote in a letter to the ministry that "the wording is misleading and inappropriate for a New Testament."

The guys at are also sponsoring Porn Sunday in churches all over America. Look for it at a church near you.

The company reported made other suggestions for the cover imprint, but the ministers remained steadfast.

Gross said that the imprint would not be misleading: Jesus does love porn stars, as well as every one else, he said. The words do not indicate that Jesus likes pornography.

"But that's why we're putting the Bible in [the porn stars'] hands — Jesus is not OK with it," he said. "The publisher is hindering the Gospel going forth."

Maybe the guys should get JC's Girls founder Heather Veitch to ask the folks at American Bible Society to re-think their position. I think most men who do just about anything she might ask of them.

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