Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Religion Schmeligion: Pizza for Passover

Catholic guy: "Aren't you going to eat some pizza?"

Jewish Guy: "No, it's Passover, we can only eat certain foods, but not pizza."

CG: "You're jewish?"

JG: "Yes, and I've told you this like a thousand times before."

CG: "Aren't Jews the ones that dress up like Ninjas and pray?"

JG: "No, I think you're thinking of Muslims, but they're not really Ninjas..."

CG: (interupting) "Aren't all Jews Muslims?"

JG: "Um... you couldn't be more wrong."

CG: "But tell me this. Jews and Muslims: they're all still Christians, right?"

JG: "I don't even know how to answer that."

—Submitted by Mike Routier, 2006-04-24 12:50:29 Syndicated from Religion Shmeligion, on Overheard in Chicago

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Anonymous said...

The fella he's shaking hands with there is Orthodox, not Jewish...

The Son of Man said...

Thank you, Professor Einstein.

Anonymous said...

Kind of ironic, that's all. (Can't laugh at your own goof?)